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Bridging the gap between in-patient mental health services and independent living. Bridge offers cost-effective, proven pathways to support people with long-term mental health conditions in the community.
We are currently providing services across the South East and North East and West Essex. However, we are expanding into other areas all the time, so please get in touch if you’d like to discuss services in your area.
We work with partners including The NHS, CCGs and local authorities, and we have established strategic partnerships with statutory and voluntary sector organisations as well as a range of housing partners.
Providing Tools So People Can Help Themselves
Too many people are stuck in expensive in-patient mental health wards. Others are stuck in community placements with little prospect of moving on and are not getting the tools they need to re-establish themselves in the community.
Clients need the peace of mind to know they’re safe, well, and on the road to recovery. And at a time of increasing demand for mental health services and pressure to cut costs, commissioners need to be confident the services they commission are viable, sustainable and offer value for money.
At Bridge we provide services that are…
- Cost-effective
- Successful with demonstrable outcomes
- Safe
- Evidence based
- Outcome focused
- Flexible – clients join a pathway that is tailored to their needs.
- Growing – For the last 6 years we have grown steadily and incrementally.
Trust Bridge to provide cost-effective, long-term solutions that support clients along a path to independence.
The quality of care delivered has been excellent, the economic argument is a powerful one comparing the cost of placement in secure hospitals with the scheme provided at the TILT project.
John Enser, Former Director of Forensic Services, Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
Bridge’s Services to Support Wellbeing, Recovery and Independence
- Forensic Services
- 24-hour support – Our highest level of support (High)
- Medium Support (Medium)
- Flexible Community Support – Our lowest level of support (Low)
- Recovery College
- Training
- Housing Management
- CHMRE Plus Service
- Greenwich Mental Health Hub (GMHH)
About Bridge
We understand the complexity of providing mental health services that serve the needs of the individual in a health care system under pressure due to increasing demand and shrinking budgets.
We firmly believe we can help by providing flexible pathways – across varied support needs, ranging from low-level Flexible Support to high-level 24-hour Support – to help people who no longer need to be in hospital navigate their way back to living independently within the community.
Bridge currently operates its 24-hour service in three locations across South East London, North East Essex and West Essex.
However, we are not limited to these areas and are very happy to discuss developing the service elsewhere in the UK.
If you have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, or know someone that has and you need support, click below for a list of resources.
How you can work with us
As well as the normal tendering process, you can commission our services in the following ways:
- Use our contact form
- Pick up the phone to speak to us on 020 8298 9677
- Email us to discuss spot contracting OR delivery of a bespoke service that meets your need