Greenwich Mental Health Hub (GMHH)

How can we offer non-clinical, person-centred, support to help prevent the escalation of mental health problems and to aid recovery

The Greenwich Mental Health Hub is a new service which supports independence and reablement for people who have been referred to us by their GP.

GMHH is a partnership of specialists from Oxleas, BLG Mind and Bridge, who are working together to encompass both primary and secondary care. We are a bridge-the-gap service that helps people manage their mental health, address the things they are struggling with, and take positive steps in their own lives.

Funded as part of NHS England’s Long Term Plan, our approach means that there is no wrong door into services and allows for frictionless movement between them. A holistic approach to care is achieved by assessing and meeting peoples’ needs through an integrated multi-disciplinary team providing both clinical and non-clinical support.

Most people with mental health problems leaving 24-hour support need a gradual entry back to independent living. 

The Greenwich Mental Health Hub will operate as a front-door to mental health support, and will also provide step-down support for people ready for discharge from secondary care.

Here’s how:

  • Holistic assessment of a person’s needs in order to support rehabilitation and integration back into the local community.
  • A comprehensive brief intervention programme (typically 4-8 weeks but can be up to 12 weeks).
  • Signposting support to resources and activities.
  • Straightforward process for re-engagement with clients after discharge.
  • Multi-disciplinary team meetings to facilitate frictionless movement between services.

We expect improved outcomes for our service users due to a more effective pathway throughout the system, and by tailoring support to better suit their needs – such as accessing our substance misuse worker, for instance.

Expected outcomes include:

  • Reduced waiting times to access support.
  • Reduced average length of engagement – people are supported to quickly move through the service, having received the input they need.
  • Increased engagement in community resources and activities.
  • Reduced escalation of mental health problems as a result of unaddressed issues such as debt, housing, unemployment and social isolation.
  • Increased self-management skills for people with mental health problems.
  • Reduced health inequalities, in particular for people from a BAME background.

Contact Us

Referrals to GMHH are currently only via a GP.  

However, if you have a general enquiry and need to speak with someone then please call reception on 020 8301 8960.

  • If you have already been referred to GMHH and are currently under their care, you can also call the duty line on 020 3927 6200.
  • If you are experiencing a crisis and need immediate help, you can call Oxleas’ 24-hour crisis line on 0800 330 8590.
  • Samaritans also offer help on telephone number 116 123 if you are struggling to cope, or email