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Bridge Back Home – Helping people with mental health problems come home. 

How can people with mental health problems get the support they need to leave hospital and live independently?

Many people with mental health issues are inappropriately admitted to hospital or spend longer than necessary as in-patients, because they don’t have the support they need to return home. 

As well as having a detrimental effect on their recovery and quality of life, these unnecessary admissions, readmissions, and expensive in-patient treatments create a hefty financial burden for the taxpayer. 

How can we support people who don’t need in-patient mental health care to return home successfully? 

The Bridge Back Home team integrates local voluntary support with the Oxleas Clinical Home Treatment Team (HTT). They identify people who could be supported at home with a range of non-clinical interventions and tasks according to their specific needs.  

The aim of the Bridge Back Home Team is threefold: to improve patient experience, reduce the average length of stay for Greenwich Acute inpatient wards and HTT, and reduce the number of admissions made via HTT. 

The quality of care delivered has been excellent, the economic argument is a powerful one comparing the cost of placement in secure hospitals with the scheme provided at the TILT project. 

John Enser, Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust 

Proven, flexible support to enable people with mental health problems to return home. 

  • We connect our clients with a wide range of community services to create a network of support that reduces the need for clinical intervention now and long-term. 
  • Our support is flexible and geared to our clients’ needs, whatever stage they are at with their recovery. 
  • We offer practical support such as making our client’s home safe and habitable or helping them manage their personal finances, benefits, and budget planning. 
  • We provide emotional support for clients and families throughout the day both face to face and by telephone. 
  • We facilitate collaboration between our client, health professionals, and their family or carer. 

What makes us different…

  • We focus on the prevention of inappropriate hospital admissions and overuse of expensive emergency services.
  • We not only support our clients to manage their current situation, but also to identify potential triggers for a future crisis and formulate potential coping strategies. 
  • We liaise with community crisis provision services, and support patients to return home from the crisis house, rather than going into hospital. 
  • We help our clients to foster networks and link with community services such as the Recovery College and substance misuse teams. 
  • We help our clients into work. 

Our Results    

BBH reduces pressure on the taxpayer due to the decrease in expensive inpatient treatments and referrals to primary and secondary care. 

Being admitted to hospital inappropriately or staying longer than necessary can be stressful and frustrating for the patients and detrimental to their recovery. BBH provides a better patient experience than staying in hospital long-term.  

When our clients get the support they need to live independently in the community, they experience improved physical and mental health.  

  • How you can work with us

    As well as the normal tendering process, you can commission our services in the following ways:

    • Use our contact form
    • Pick up the phone to speak to us on 020 8298 9677
    • Email us to discuss spot contracting OR delivery of a bespoke service that meets your need