by Raymond Sheehy | Jun 18, 2021 | About Bridge, Info for Commissioners
For individuals with enduring mental health problems, targeted support at the right level can be the vital difference between a successful journey back to independent living and going back to square one. If the steps immediately taken upon...
by Raymond Sheehy | May 31, 2021 | Info for Commissioners, Partnership Working
Individuals who suffer a mental health crisis can find themselves without the support they need to take the necessary steps to be able to return home to independent living. This can be both stressful...
by Raymond Sheehy | May 14, 2021 | About Bridge, Info for Commissioners
Many people suffering severe mental health conditions are resident in expensive hospital mental health units for far longer than necessary. Delayed Transfer of Care (DTOC) can result in patients residing for...
by Raymond Sheehy | Apr 30, 2021 | About Bridge, Info for Commissioners
In an ideal world, prison should prepare inmates to live an independent, law-abiding life on their release. They should learn skills to successfully reintegrate into their local community. This is challenging for many, but...
by Raymond Sheehy | Apr 14, 2021 | About Bridge, Info for Commissioners
Where is the best place for people with mental health problems to get support on their journey to recovery? For some, hospital-based treatment pathways are the perfect fit, but this isn’t the case for everyone. Often,...
by Raymond Sheehy | Mar 14, 2018 | About Bridge, Holistic Recovery, Info for Commissioners
There are many elements involved in a healthy recovery from mental health illness. Medication from mental health services is often, but not always, the foundation for this recovery. But after stabilising through psychiatric intervention, many patients are left...