by Nicolette | May 6, 2024 | Info for Commissioners, Partnership Working
Recovery colleges represent a ground breaking approach to mental health rehabilitation, offering educational courses designed for people on their recovery journey from mental health issues. The National Health Service (NHS) mental health commissioners are increasingly...
by Nicolette | Sep 28, 2021 | Forensic Mental Health, Info for Commissioners
Since 2018, relationships between strategic care partners – the NHS, local councils, the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors – have grown, leading in many cases to better and more convenient health services for people in the UK. Such was the perceived...
by Raymond Sheehy | Aug 15, 2021 | About Bridge, Info for Commissioners
Too many people with mental health issues remain in hospital unnecessarily because they’re aren’t many viable alternatives. At Bridge, we understand the complexities of providing mental health services in an environment where the NHS is under pressure because...
by Raymond Sheehy | Jul 30, 2021 | About Bridge, Info for Commissioners
For people with mental health problems, where they live can make a vital difference to their treatment and recovery. Living in safe, well-maintained housing has been proven to have a positive impact on mental health. But for some people with mental health problems,...
by Raymond Sheehy | Jul 16, 2021 | About Bridge, Info for Commissioners
For some women with enduring mental health problems, forging a path back to independent living can be involuntarily disrupted by issues arising from their personal history. To provide the most appropriate support and the best chance of recovery, a woman only service...
by Raymond Sheehy | Jun 30, 2021 | About Bridge, Info for Commissioners
Mental Health crisis admissions For those individuals with long term mental health issues, the road to recovery and successful independent living is not always a linear one. There can be twists and turns along the way and sometimes a backward step or two. Experiencing...