Cutting Costs and Hospital Stays with Community Mental Health Support 

Holistic Recovery

Healthcare costs are constantly rising, so finding ways to provide care without breaking the bank is more important than ever. This is especially true when it comes to mental health care, an area that often requires long-term, ongoing support. The concept of community-based support is a perfect example of how thinking outside the traditional hospital setting can not only save money but also offer more personalised care.  

Bridge Support’s Bridge Back Home (BBH) service is leading the change. It shows us how supporting people transitioning from hospital to home can make a huge difference in their recovery and save healthcare money. 

What Is Community-Based Support? 

Community-based mental health support is all about getting the help you need, not in an impersonal hospital setting, but in your own home and community, where you’re most comfortable. It provides care and support through services tailored to each person’s unique needs right in the heart of the community. This approach feels more personal and helps people stay on track with their recovery journey, surrounded by their usual support networks. 

The BBH Service: Spotlight on Success 

The BBH service is a fantastic example of community-based support in action. It’s designed to help people transition smoothly from the hospital back to their everyday lives.  

The service connects clients with a wide range of community services to create a network of support that reduces the need for clinical intervention. We liaise with community crisis provision services to support patients returning home from the crisis house rather than returning to the hospital. Our service’s support is flexible and geared to the client’s needs, whatever stage they are at with their recovery. The Bridge Back Home team ensures everyone gets what they need to reintegrate into their community and continue their recovery. This tailored approach helps prevent the cycle of hospital readmissions, keeping people healthier at home and saving money on expensive hospital stays. 

Why Does This Matter for Healthcare Costs? 

The success of the BBH service in reducing hospital readmissions is a big deal for healthcare costs. Every time someone has to be readmitted to the hospital, it’s not just tough on them and their family; it’s also a significant expense for the healthcare system. By providing practical support in the community, BBH helps people manage their health better, reducing the need for costly hospital care. This makes financial sense for healthcare providers like the NHS and means more resources are available for other essential services. 

Facing the Challenges Head-On 

Of course, rolling out community-based support on a wide scale has its hurdles. Funding, scaling up to meet demand, and ensuring consistent quality are all challenges that must be overcome. But the success of programs like BBH offers valuable lessons on overcoming these obstacles. You can learn more about the success of the Bridge Back Home team here

Looking Ahead 

The BBH service shows us that with the right approach, we can provide care that’s not only more personalised and effective but also more cost-efficient. Expanding and investing in community-based support like BBH could transform the landscape of mental health care, making it more accessible and sustainable for everyone involved as well as saving the NHS a fortune.  

To learn more about our services, please get in touch

Further Reading: 

Bridge Back Home Service 

Where do community mental health services fit into integrated care systems (ICS)? 

How we remove the barriers to finding the right place to call home for those in mental health recovery  

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