Beyond Hope: Evidence-Based Mental Health Treatments

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Studies on the mental health of the UK population confirm a lamentable increase in the prevalence of common mental disorders in recent years. While this reality is certainly disconcerting, the accumulated wealth of knowledge on the topic and the development of evidence-based therapies allow us to manage, treat and prevent a wider range of mental illnesses more efficiently than ever before.

Evidence-based mental health therapies

Do you or someone you love struggle with a common mental health disorder? Today’s blog will introduce you to two evidence-based therapies that have been shown to bring relief and recovery to people across the world.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioural therapies (CBT), a subset of Psychotherapy, is currently considered the Gold standard treatment for mental health disorders. Although CBT can be tailored to each of the common mental health diseases, several scientific studies have shown CBT as the best performer amongst therapies that target anxiety-related problems. CBT helps people to recover from anxiety problems by changing the thinking patterns and behaviours that provoke anxiety and teaching healthy coping skills and strategies.

The Science behind CBT:

CBTs are based on the basic idea that our cognition, in the form of thoughts and preconceived judgments, precedes and determines our emotional responses. (

CBT is a short-span, goal focussed psychotherapy (talk therapy) that guides and supports people to take a practical approach to solving their problems, instead of obsessing over the cause of their suffering. CBT has delivered tremendously hopeful proof that people can change the way they feel, by first changing the thinking patterns and habitual behaviours that underlie their difficulties.

You can see that it turns the idea that circumstances need to change before we can feel better on its head.

Is CBT for me?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective treatments for anxiety disorders and depression but can be useful for a range of mental health problems.

According to the NHS, CBT can also help people with:

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) 
  • Panic disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Phobias
  • Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia
  • Sleep problems, such as insomnia
  • Problems related to alcohol misuse

Results of CBT

“Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can reduce symptoms of depression in people who fail to respond to drug treatment“ the NHS reports on a scientifically sound trial conducted in the UK.

The study included 469 adults whose symptoms had not responded to antidepressants. The results: People who received CBT in addition to medication were three times more likely respond to experienced reduced symptoms over the following 12 months than the control group.

Looking for a combined treatment program to suit your needs? Contact Bridge now to get on the road to recovery.

Brainworking Recursive Therapy (BWRT)

Brainworking Recursive Therapy (BWRT) is a brand new, active therapy (unlike hypnosis) that can help effect permanent behavioural and emotional change in a very short time. BWRT was developed in 2011 by Terence Watts, a therapist, author of many books and training courses and principal of the Essex Institute in Essex, UK. Although it works to release learned emotional responses, BWRT is ‘content free’ in the sense that a client doesn’t have to tell the therapist what they’re thinking.

The Science behind BWRT

The therapy is based on the scientifically recognised concept that the brain establishes neural pathways that control our emotions and behaviour. Once established, these pathways leave us almost powerless to choose our responses to situations. “The brain reacts to stimuli from the environment by looking for common themes from its history bank and then fires an electrical signal along a myriad of neural pathways and gateways at lightning speed.” (Essex Institute) These stimuli trigger certain emotional and physical responses, even when the things we do are destructive to us and our well-being.

By neutralising these learned negative constructs and ‘repgrogamming’ the brain, BWRT makes it possible to change emotional memory and the complex behavioural patterns it triggers.

Is BWRT for me?

BWRT is suitable for all personality types and has been found to be effective in treating a range of mental health conditions and changing all sorts of behavioural patterns, such as:

  • Commitment Anxiety
  • Phobias, fears and anxiety
  • Success inhibition
  • Fear of failure
  • Binge eating and drinking
  • All types of performance anxiety
  • Issues of self-worth and self-confidence
  • Fear of authority
  • Relationship issues
  • Grief
  • OCD
  • PTSD

BWRT Results

Research and testing have shown BWRT to be effective in resolving deep-seated issues that have been present for as long as the person can remember, in a treatment period of only a couple of sessions. Efficacy is permanent. In the case of specific phobias, such as arachnophobia, treatment could take as little as 25 minutes, with lasting results.

Effective mental health treatment

Given the availability of evidence-based treatments such as these, most people with mental or behavioural disorders can become functioning and productive members of the community, living normal, meaningful lives. Bridge strives to match individuals with care programs that provides them with the therapies and support best suited to their situation. Contact us today to get started on the road to recovery.

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