Our Tilt Project Is Here To Stay

About Bridge, Forensic Mental Health

Bridge are very pleased to announce that they will be providing their very successful Tilt project for a further five years. The program was originally tendered by Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust in 2013 and our partnership continues. Tilt has been a very successful program ever since and will continue to be until at least 2028.

What is the Tilt Project

At Tilt, we provide 24-hour social support to ex-offenders with long term mental health issues. The project houses 18 men in a high support forensic facility in partnership with Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust. 

The men receive support and treatment through assessment, recovery, and community integration. Over the years we have established strong links and collaborative working with local wraparound services to provide an integrated clinical and community pathway.

The men often have complex mental health issues alongside their forensic histories so an individualised approach is needed. The service is recovery focussed and our philosophy is built on a culture of wellness and recovery. Activities focus on helping individuals to gain life skills and find training and employment opportunities or engage in other local activities. 

Clients have consistent opportunities to maximise their choice and control and are encouraged to define their own goals and take the lead in their recovery.

Both Bridge and the Oxleas Community Forensic Team have a robust approach to risk management to ensure the safety of staff, clients and the whole community.

The success of the Tilt project so far

Tilt has a strong track record of achieving astounding results. Here are some of the results we can be proud of.

  • Reoffending rates are low at only 1.46% p.a. over the last 5 years. 
  • The length of stay on average before moving on is 26 months (low in comparison to other services).
  • A strong record of safety.
  • 28% of residents successfully moved into their own accommodation with support.
  • 28% have moved into less supported (medium support).
  • 20% into other 24 hour supported accommodation (non-forensic).
  • Staff are experienced in crisis management and skilled in de-escalating and preventing readmission.
  • Have a high level of client satisfaction.

Compared to the national reoffending rate of 50%, 95% of people who pass through the Tilt project do not re-offend, while 50% go on to live completely independent lives. 

​​We have found that the earlier we meet the prisoners who will enter the program, the better. Having the opportunity to get to know the individual as early as possible in the assessment process enables us to provide a bespoke care and support plan. 

The future of Tilt 

Over the next 5 years, we want to continue the excellent work that the Tilt project is doing and go further, to produce even better results for the men in our care. 

We also have a vision to provide a Tilt project for women too. You can learn more about our proposed model for the women’s project here.

Learn more about how we support people with forensic history and mental ill-health in the community here. 

You can learn more and watch a short video about the Tilt Project here. 

24 Hour Support

Medium Support

Flexible Community Support

Forensic Services

Recovery College

Women Only

  • How you can work with us

    As well as the normal tendering process, you can commission our services in the following ways:

    • Use our contact form
    • Pick up the phone to speak to us on 020 8298 9677
    • Email us to discuss spot contracting OR delivery of a bespoke service that meets your need