Mental health issues can profoundly impact a person’s life, and it’s crucial to have access to the appropriate support and accommodations to manage them. The pathway to recovery is a personalised plan designed to provide individuals with the necessary support and tools to manage their mental health issues and achieve recovery.
Bridge offers various services to cater to different stages of the recovery journey. From 24-hour services for clients who require constant care to flexible services for those nearing the end of their recovery journey, Bridge’s approach ensures that clients receive the appropriate level of support at each stage. In addition, this collaborative approach between providers, commissioners, and clinical teams ensures that clients receive the best possible care and support throughout their recovery journey.
Pathway to recovery
The pathway provides a support and accommodation plan tailored to clients’ individual needs. Bridge provides housing procurement and management to individuals with mental health issues. Their ultimate goal is to provide their clients with support, accommodation, and a pathway to recovery that will enable them to exit the pathway with improved mental health.
Bridge provides a range of services that cater to different stages of the recovery journey. These services include 24-hour, medium, flexible, and support on-demand services. Let’s take a closer look at each of these services:
24-hour service
This service provides round-the-clock support to clients who require staff onsite. Clients in this category are usually at the beginning of their recovery journey and require a higher level of support.
Medium service
This service is suitable for clients who have made progress in their recovery journey and are becoming more resilient. Clients in this category have more freedom and flexibility to manage their daily routines.
Flexible service
This service is designed for clients who are further down the road in their recovery journey who are almost ready to exit the pathway. Clients in this category are more self-sufficient and are provided with the necessary tools and support to manage their mental health independently.
Support on demand
This service is available to clients who have already exited the pathway but require additional support or guidance in managing their mental health. This service is also available to clients who experience setbacks or relapses and require immediate support.
The pathway is designed in such a way that clients can move up and down the pathway depending on their progress. For instance, a client on the flexible service may require additional support and may need to move up to the medium or 24-hour service temporarily. Similarly, a client on the 24-hour service may make significant progress and move on to the medium or flexible service. This flexibility ensures that clients receive the appropriate level of support at each stage of their recovery journey without relying on hospital or primary care services as the first port of call.
A collaborative approach
Bridge works closely with providers, commissioners, and clinical teams to manage the referral process, planned move-through, and eventual exit from the pathway. The ultimate goal is to help clients recover and exit the pathway with improved mental health. This collaborative approach ensures that clients receive the best possible care and support throughout their recovery journey.
In situations where people are in an inappropriate placement, such as a hospital, Bridge can offer to assess a person in situ to design an individualised solution that more closely matches their needs. This approach speeds up recovery and prevents individuals from spending unnecessary time in expensive residential care. However, hundreds of people sit in the wrong place in each borough, often in inappropriate residential care, and this is a significant issue that needs to be addressed.
Bridge’s Pathway to Recovery is a comprehensive and individualised approach to supporting people with mental health needs. The range of services offered at Bridge’s properties is tailored to meet clients’ needs at different stages of their recovery journey, enabling them to progress and succeed in their recovery goals. If you would like more information about any of the services we offer, please contact Bridge to learn more about how they can help.